Material and technical base

With the participation of the department staff, work was carried out to equip the laboratory to organize the educational process; the department has three laboratories that are provided with the necessary measuring instruments, auxiliary devices, regulatory documentation and guidelines for laboratory and practical work.

The Metrology Room is equipped with a set of measuring instruments to perform: linear-angular measurements; physical and chemical measurements; as well as testing installations for checking measuring instruments.

The laboratory of “Physico-chemical research of food products” and “Food safety research” is equipped with the necessary instruments and equipment for analyzing the quality and safety of food products.

Office "Certification and Quality Management" and Standardization. Students learn to apply current norms and standards, technical and metrological legislation; work with regulatory documents; acquire compliance verification skills; distinguish and use international and national units of measurement in practice; students can also use the electronic version of standards and ND.

In 2022-2023, the “Sensory Analysis of Food Products” laboratory was organized and opened. Our food sensory analysis services include consumer tasting for the purpose of developing new products, as well as sensory assessment of food quality and taste

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